Show Plaiting

Show Plaiting

What You Need

  • NRG Pro-Plaits
  • Rubber bands
  • Comb
  • Blunt Forceps
  • Blunt Needle
  • Cotton Thread

Before You Start

  • Start the plaiting process at the bridle path
  • It is unnecessary to wash the mane prior to plaiting
  • Ensure that the mane is pulled to an adequate length and thickness before plaiting (10-12 cm is ideal).


Once you have completed plaiting, spray with NRG ProPlaits and place a firm-fitting hood on your horse.

If using NRG ProPlaits and a firm-fitting hood, plaiting can be done the night before the competition.

What you need

Spray the mane with NRG Proplaits and then comb it through.

Mark out the centre point or crest of the neck/mane.

The largest of the plaits will be at the crest or middle of the neck and the smallest plaits will be at either end.

This accentuates the curve of the horse’s neck.

To start plaiting, mark out a 3-4 finger width section of mane.

Use your comb to hold the rest of the mane back from your work area.

Spray this first section with NRG Proplaits.

Using two fingers, divide the first section of mane into three sections.

Begin plaiting the hair from right side to left.

Your thumb must be used to hold the plait tightly during the process as you work downwards.

To complete the plait, apply a rubber band. The band must be applied by twisting the band around the hair.

To complete the band, pull the remaining hair half way through the band to create a loop that folds back under the plait.

Repeat this process to the end of the mane.

If your horse does not have much hair at the wither, apply a band around the last section of hair.

Plait downwards from the band to create a small plait.

Take a short blunt sewing needle and thread with a cotton thread colour to suit your horse.

Tie a knot at the end of the thread.

Fold the plait in half and then roll the remaining half under the plait until it cannot be rolled any further.

Note: This will take practice as it is all about the pressure whilst you are rolling the plait and the tightness of the initial plait.

Once rolled, keep hold of the rolled plait in one hand, pinching between your thumb and index finger.

Take the needle and thread, push the needle upwards (away from you) from the underside of the plait through the centre.

Then push the needle back through the base of the plait (towards you) at a 45° angle to the first thread.

Push the needle back up again through the underside of the plait.

Then push the needle back through at the OPPOSITE 45° angle to the last thread. If the plait feels loose, repeat the process.

To finish, thread the needle upwards from the underside of the plait, pull it through.

Then trim the excess thread to complete.

Repeat the process for the remaining plaits.

Spray the forelock with NRG Proplaits and comb the hair downwards.

Take a 1 inch section of hair from the top, divide into 3 and begin the braid.

Braid downwards to complete the rest of the forelock hair and finish with a band.

Take a pair of blunt forceps, insert them underneath the braid along the forehead of the horse, grab the end of the braid at the rubber band end, and pull the braid end up underneath itself through the forceps tunnel to complete the forelock braid.

Spray with NRG Proplaits.

Your show plaiting is now complete.

BRAIDA complete braided forelock with the plait tucked neatly underneath the braid.

Spray with NRG Proplaits to hold the braid during competition.

To undo the rolled plait, locate the cotton threads underneath the plait and carefully cut with scissors.

Unroll the plait and pull out any excess cotton threads.

Use the scissors to carefully cut the rubber band at the end of the plait.

Locate the top strand section of hair within the plait, carefully pull this strand upwards to unravel the plait.

Comb out the mane to complete.

How show plaiting should look when you have finished